little yellow flower

Journal Updates: A collection of chronological updates (dated December 1997 to March 1999) written during the bone marrow transplant and the period of my recovery as I coped with the implications of relapsed Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Pictures of the Medicine Quilt made for me by friends from all over the world!

Links to Information about Cancer, Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Bone Marrow Transplants: Some of the best resources out there.

Ways YOU Can Help: Lots of suggestions (both general and specific), even for folks far away.

Info on Hormone Therapy: What I have learned about hormone replacement therapy (estrogen and progesterone) for women who have had extensive chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, peripheral stem cell transplant, and/or radiation treatment, or who have experienced early menopause.

Excerpts From Friends' E-mails: Lots of friends have offered inspirational words of support. Here are a few, with identities omitted. (Gotta protect my friends from the vultures at National Enquirer!)

Catalogue of Books: Comments on books about living with cancer, plus lots of books on other subjects.

Hall of Fame: Amazing offerings of assistance from amazing people.

Fun Stuff: Heck, we all could use a good laugh. Check out the xray of Homer Simpson's head! Read some of the poems my friends wrote in response to my silly Halloween poem! Find out about some suggested winter coping strategies.

Go to Lisa's Good Health Web Site